Murat Özer

Computer Engineer

About Me

I’m Murat Özer. I graduated from Doğuş University Computer Engineering. In fact, after two years of studying at the school I gained as an industrial engineer, I switched to computer engineering. I think it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I’m an open source person. I share a project that I have developed personally for commercial purposes. In many conversation groups I focus on solving their problems by communicating with people. Because I am doing a project by making use of the internet and the experiences of people by adding something of course. When this happens, I share what I receive from people by adding my superior labor to people and people in need again. I have experience in many areas. I have done more software-oriented jobs and I intend to continue my life as a software developer. I love helping people, adding things to them and learning from them. There is nothing team cannot overcome if we can work with this thought in developing a project.. I’m also developing myself by catching the opportunities to be given in the job and to make their lives easier by creating technologies that can be useful to people by specializing.


Altamira Digital Works

Front-end Web Developer

May 2020 - present

Implemented websites, mobile applications, and landing pages from concept through deployment. Assessed UX and UI designs for technical feasibility. Developed standard and custom reports in graph format as required. Collaborated with product team members to implement new feature developments.

Rofoods Micro Markets

Back-end Developer

August 2019 - November 2019

Supported Rofoods backend software development and testing processes. Verified that software met requirements and maintained existing applications The latest technology, made improvements to web services. Using NodeJS, Redis,, docker, gcloud, postgresql and many other technologies.

Rofoods Micro Markets

Machine Learning Developer

September 2018 - August 2019

Analysis face, body and market products data and build a machine learning model. By reading many articles on object recognition and deep learning, machine learning and deep learning and image processing were developed with market products data by creating their own machine learning models.

Machine Learning Internship


August 2018 - September 2018

In this internship, I made improvements in image processing, machine learning and deep learning.

Ideal Bilgi Sistem Ve Hizmet Tekolojileri


June 2018 - August 2018

This internship about mobile technologies. I developed mobile applications on cross platform hybrid technologies.

Biltam Mümessillik Dış Ticaret Ve Sanayi A.Ş.


May 2017 - July 2017

Learned how the devices work in network architecture and gained information on how they operate.


The purpose of this application is to show only discounted products and campaign products in existing markets. The interface is easy to use, simply designed. Frontend is designed with Ionic5, capacitor, AngularJS and backend part is used with NodeJS.

Use the application generator tool script, ozz-generator, to quickly create an application skeleton. The aim of this project; A Node.JS project is intended to create the framework structure, to establish the necessary structure, architecture, and to do this in a regular, readable form. By default the mongodb connection is built with .ejs for appearance, express to create an http server, and useful modules that you can use.

The main purpose of this project is to provide an advanced chat system to enable people to communicate with each other on the socket architecture in Nodejs. Technologies and modules such as AngularJS, redis, mongoose, express are used.

The main purpose of this project is to understand socket architecture in Nodejs. Socketio module is used. The service it provides is; everyone has a ball and everyone can talk to each other instantly.

Simple Webservice API using NodeJS

The main purpose of this project is to create a public web service provider. This service offers us information such as movies, series, directors. I have enabled this service to run for free via heroku. But it needs a token to retrieve data from this service.

Split Mobile Application

The main purpose of the project is to determine the basic interests of people and to communicate with each other through these areas of interest. Talking about the content of the project; is simply a mobile application and works on the ios or android operating system.Its main features are the ability to log in to the application with the face recognition system, everyone has profile page, to share photos or text, to find people related to their interests on the map.

The purpose of this project is to apply sentiment analysis on a dataset that is given. Our datasets are tweets about archeage, hobbit and iphone6. As feature extractor cnn model and word2vec model (enchanced wıth googlenews); As classifier evaluation class; to seperate the dataset into multiple files,Dataseperator is used.This program is written java using dl4j. Second implementationis text analysis using machine learning models to classify movie review sentiments as positive or negative.This program is written python using pandas, sklearn(SupportVectorMachine,NaiveBayes,LogisticRegression,KNearestNeighbors).

My main goal in this project was to aggregate the data sets, which were completely in the large document level, to their degree of closeness. There were two clustering algorithms that I researched. These are k-means clustering algorithm and mean-shift clustering algorithm. I used K-means clustering algorithm.

Data Preprocessor(Tensorflow)

Data is the most important criterion for educating an algorithm. Because it learns the algorithm according to the data we will use and meets the requests. However, the more regularly we give our algorithm, the more efficient it will work. In this project, I am preparing the data for tensorflow. Briefly, video data is taken, divided into frames, augmentation is performed, renamed regularly, divided into two as test(%20) - train(%80).

It is simply written to detect the faces of users who registered in the application and measure their emotions using FaceRecognition library in Python.Face Recognition library built using dlib’s state-of-the-art built with deep learning. The model has an accuracy of 99.38% on the Labeled Faces in the Wild benchmark.

A program to detect if a given mail is “spam” or “ham”.

Tracing Mobile Applicaton

This project is a mobile application designed to report an unusual event. An application designed to easily report events such as an accident, weather, or theft.

Snake game with python and c#. Hospital Automation system using c++.


Dogus University

Computer Engineering

3.07, 2014 - 2019


  • Back-end Development, RESTfull web services, microservices.
      • Data science, machine learning and big data.
          • Computer vision, image processing and Natural language processing.
              • Mobile Technologies like User Experience (UX) / User Interface (UI) Specialist.
                  • Databases and knowledge-bases.
                      • Programming tools, environments, and program analysis (testing, debugging, reuse, usability).

                          Books / Hobbies

                            • Microservices From Design to Deployment - Chris Richardson with Floyd Smith (NGNIX).
                                • Node.js Notes for Professionals - Free Programming Books (
                                    • Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google? - William Poundstone (NTV).
                                        • Kali Linux - Abdulaziz Altuntaş (Kodlab)
                                            • Introduction to internet programming with php - Faruk Kaynaklı (Abaküs)
                                                • Projects with C++ - Doc.Dr. Yıldıray Yalman - Research Asst. Tolga Büyüktanır (Kodlab)
                                                    • 'The Art of Deception:' Controlling the Human Element of Securityn - Kevin D. Mitnick William L. Simon (ODTU)
                                                        • 'The Art of Intrusion:' The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers, Intruders and Deceivers - Kevin D. Mitnick William L. Simon (ODTU)
                                                            • 'Hackers & Painters:' Big Ideas from the Computer Age - Paul Graham (ODTU))
                                                                • Kariyer ve Varoluş-Bir Benlik Eylemi (Kavramlar, Olgular, Deneyimler) - Daniş Navaro (Elma)
                                                                    • Kavram - Uygulama - Soru/Cevap / Yazılım Test Teknikleri - L. Koray Yitmen (Seçkin)


                                                                              • M001 MongoDB Basics Course Completion Confirmation - Certificate
                                                                                  • Doğuş University Information Club 20-21 April 2017 Certificate of participation in Data Analytic activity.
                                                                                      • IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Enginers) hosted by Istanbul Kültür University student community on 2-3-4 March 2018 at Istanbul Kültür University Ataköy Campus participated in the "IEEE Turkey Computer Society Congress - CSCON'18" event and successfully completed the training on Machine learning topic.
                                                                                          • Certificate of Attendance at the Career Days in Informatics event organized by Doğuş University Informatics Club on 5-6 March 2018.
                                                                                              • Artificial intelligence producing turkey / DeepCon'18 5-6 October 2018 BTK / Ankara - Deep Learning Turkey (Certificate of Attendance)


                                                                                              Asst. prof. Aysun Güran

                                                                                              Dogus University Software Engineering Department

                                                                                              0536 947 32 75 -

                                                                                              Güven Hanege

                                                                                              Rofoods Micro Markets

                                                                                              0542 232 31 91 -

                                                                                              Asst. prof. Zeynep Hilal Kilimci

                                                                                              Dogus University Software Engineering Department

                                                                                              0507 355 63 25 -